The Foundation

In 2017 I graduated from college, sold most of my belongings, and moved into an RV. My new home is a 1986 Toyota Bandit. Her name is Bernadette, a.k.a Bernie the Bandit, you can see us pictured here the day of our union.

'Where is Taylor Sirard?', is a virtual travel diary. I created this space to document my journey, both through the outside world and within myself. This blog is a place for me to practice honesty, observation, creativity, and reflection. Bonus points if a single human finds benefit from what I share.

Although I retain complete freedom in the type of media I share, this blog has a theme because ya' girl needs structure. Every post will answer one out of the six journalism questions: who, what, where, why, when, or how? Posts will answer questions, more specifically, in relation to myself as described below.

Who is with Taylor Sirard? A little about the humans I meet along the way.
What is Taylor Sirard doing? Dudes, this blog has much room for activities.
Where is Taylor Sirard? The leading competitor to the Lonely Planet travel guide books.
Why is Taylor Sirard...? Motivation, purpose, and values. The reasons behind the decisions I make.
When will/has Taylor Sirard...? These posts journey into past or future Taylor.
How is Taylor Sirard? Let's get deep. I'm going to talk about my emotions.

Sound like a plan? Great. I am so excited, and grateful you're here to witness.

my RV and I
[Image: A polaroid of me leaning up against my RV]
