Re: How is Taylor Sirard?

Hey all. I need to be very honest right now. Not to say that I have ever been dishonest on here, but currently, my posts are a reflection on the life I was living over a year ago. A lot has changed since then. The Taylor Sirard that exists on this blog is a different person than who I am now. 

In general, most of that change has felt amazing. I am so grateful for the ways I have evolved in working, relationships, and writing. However, the Taylor Sirard who sits writing this today is struggling. I'm not great right now. 

While I am fully aware of the big picture and I understand how incredibly fortunate I am, this is just where I'm at emotionally and mentally. My stress levels are high and my energy levels are low. In turn, everything seems hard right now. Writing feels stressful, even though it's something that brings me incredible joy. So, today, I decided to make writing light, fun, and stress-free. (Despite this dreadful initial tone, there is an upswing coming, I promise.)


In the spirit of living out my teenage dream of becoming a YouTuber, I will be doing a YouTube tag. What is a YouTube tag, you may be asking? Let me take you back, before clickbait was the main genre on YouTube, to the year 2010.

Taylor Sirard 2010
[Image: A teenage Taylor Sirard sits on a swing with an expression of angst. She is holding a cellphone with one hand, and her wrist is full of various friendship bracelets.)

It was a purer time, when anyone could turn on their camera and make videos based on an authentic desire to share something—even if that something was dancing in a zebra mask. Those with interesting content would gain a following and a YouTube star was born.

Soon enough, the YouTube stars became a community that interacted and collaborated with each other. One form of this interaction was the "tag" video. Someone would create a format for a video, make their own version, and tag a list of other YouTubers to do the same. Of course, tag videos are still started and spread today. 

I visited for some ideas, and wouldn't you know, the most recent post in the YouTube tag section is a travel tag! Let's get to it folks.

1. What age were you when you first started traveling?

The first trip I distinctly remember was at age four, as it was my first plane ride. However, my family regularly made the eight-hour drive to Michigan's Upper Penninsula to visit our extended family for the holidays. My love for road-trips began before I could walk. 

2. Where was your first travel?

The trip at age four was to Disney World. Notable occurrences were riding the Tower of Terror, next to the dreadful scream of my mother and when my dad got ash in his eye during the fireworks. Alice was my favorite character to meet. 

3. What countries have you visited/Lived in?

I have only ever lived in the United States. I have visited all of the following countries: Canada, Mexico, Morocco, Spain, France, Belgium, and Thailand.

4. Where is your dream place to go and why?

Right now, my dream place to be is my home, Marquette, Michigan. My dream place to travel is just the place that calls to me. There was a vast network of occurrences and coincidences that led me on my last trip to Thailand. I'll know the next destination when it comes to me. 

5. What are your favorite memories from traveling?

All the memories I share on this blog. 

6. What three things do you bring with you when you travel?

My journal, my camera, and a personal talisman.

7. Favorite food you've tried from another country?

Khao Soi! It is a soup dish I had in northern Thailand. It has boiled noodles and crispy fried noodles in a curry coconut milk broth with lime and onions. Here are a couple varieties I tried:

khao soi
 khao soi

8. List a few words you've learned from travels?

Inshallah is an Arabic word I learned in Morocco. In direct translation, it means "if God wills it." It is said whenever someone is speaking about the future, even by those who aren't particularly religious. The phrase signifies a recognition, that although we can plan for the future, we can not actually control outcomes. The speaker is aware of the uncertainty of future events and accepts the possibility of change.

Farang is the Thai word for non-Asian foreigners. It is primarily used to describe a white foreigner. It doesn't have malicious connotations, but it is often used in jest to speak about a farang or as an adjective to describe something farang-like.

9. Have you made friends from other countries and how did you meet them?

I've made friends while abroad, but I am a terrible long-distance friend. Virtual relationships are not my strong suit, so the friendships usually last for the duration of our time together. I've formed bonds with tour guides, travel companions, and fellow festival attendees.

10. What was your most memorable moment traveling?

Laying underneath the starriest sky I have ever seen on a sand dune in the Sahara Desert.

11. The worst moment of your travels?

The night I described in this post stands out: Bloody Cold

12. Where would you like to go visit again and why?

Morocco. It is the most incredibly beautiful place I have ever been to. The art, the landscapes, and the culture were all revolutionary to experience.

13. Do you have any plans for upcoming travels?

I do not.

14. Why do you travel?

I travel in order to grow.

15. Do you or have you ever traveled for work and where?

I have not traveled for paid work, but I have done work exchange to support traveling. I worked for my stay in Bay St. Louis, I volunteered on the production team at FORM musical festival in Arcosanti, Arizona, and I made artwork in exchange for my stay at a bungalow resort on Koh Chang, an island off the southeastern coast of Thailand.

16. What climates do you prefer?

I love dry heat, I like humid heat, and I hate the cold.

17. What is the first thing you check out when you go to a new country?

The local food!

18. Have you traveled around your home country and where is your favorite place there?

Yes, as you know from reading this blog. My favorite places have been Athens, Georgia and New Orleans.

19. What is your favorite thing about traveling?

The opportunity to have new experiences.

20. What are your top travel tips for other people?

  • Do your research: Before going to foreign countries, know their culture and some basics on their language. Understand and respect that you are a visitor in their home. This will dramatically affect your experience. 
  • Travel light: Pack as little as possible and don't be afraid to discard things along the way that you aren't using.
  • Document your experience: Use whichever methods feel best for you. Often, so much happens while traveling that it's hard for me to remember when it's over. Revisiting what I've documented brings back cherished memories and experiences.
  • Stay safe: Be aware of your surroundings, stand out as little as possible, and trust your instincts. These tips are more important when you are traveling alone. 
  • Plan as much as you need to feel comfortable beforehand. Once you are there, let the plan go: This doesn't mean you can't still follow the plan, but it helps to be open to changes both intentional and accidental. 
  • Know the difference between scary and dangerous. Say yes to the scary things: If you have an opportunity to try something while traveling, but you are afraid, question that fear. Does it scare you because it is actually dangerous or because you are nervous? I've found that these feel different in my body. Danger often makes me feel sick to my stomach and I become hyper-aware of my surroundings. Nervousness feels more similar to excitement, like there is a buzz throughout my whole body.
  • Get proper rest: Often, when I am traveling I exert a lot of energy and get little sleep. But there is a limit. Exhaustion can completely ruin a trip. On the extreme end, it can threaten your safety. At a minimum, it will threaten your ability to enjoy your experience.  


This post did feel light and fun! Thank you all so much for allowing me the space to divert from the usual post style. It feels really good to try something new and simple. If you are interested in supporting this blog, please consider becoming a patron over on the WITS Patreon. There is a special offer available until June 4th, all the details can be found on the page. Thank you to all current patrons who afford me the time to keep writing!
